So you want to know who Kaden is huh.
Well in that case, let me introduce myself.

Heyo, I'm Kaden and this is my site. Feel free to take a look around. You will find some of my businesses, websites, and other projects, under my projects tab here. Take a look at my resume to see my work exprience and skills, and if you have any questions about anything or just looking to get in touch, then send me a message through my contact form here. Now with that out of the way, let me tell you about myself.

I am currently a college student pursuing my Bachelor of Science in Business Administration with a concentration in marketing and supply chain management. I enjoy staying busy, so I also have a part-time job and do some contract work on the side, which consist of social media management, content creation, and simple SEO services.

Some of Kaden's interest.

During the time that I'm not studying or working, you can bet that I'm rock climbing. I also enjoy picking up obscure hobbies and learning new skills, such as knitting, sewing, puzzle solving, juggling, origami, gardening, lock picking, and more. One of the earliest hobbies that I picked up is coin collecting, which I combined with my later interest in jewelry making to form Wearable Change, a jewelry brand that turns your everyday pocket change into unique wearable pieces. half dollar ring